Lamb's Artillery
John Lamb was one of the original members of the Sons of Liberty in New York City and was noted for his fiery oratory and writings to benefit the Patriot cause.
During the summer of 1775, Lamb, now a captain of artillery, began to raise a company. His men were from New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and Pennsylvania. Half of his company had been born in Europe, from England, Ireland, Scotland, Germany and one from Italy.
The Company's first action came the end of August where they removed cannon from New York City's Battery from under the guns of the Royal Navy warship Asia.

Lamb's Artillery went on the invasion of Canada. They played a prominent part in the capture of Fort St. Jean, Fort Chamblee and Montreal. Captain Lamb was wounded and most of the artillerymen were captured in the failed attack on the city of Quebec.
After his exchange, Lamb was promoted to Colonel and commanded 2nd Continental Regiment of Artillery. His men guarded West Point and participated in many actions, the defense of Fort Montgomery, Battle of Monmouth, Sullivan's Campaign and the Battle of Yorktown.

Members of Lamb's also portray Capt. Andersons Company of the 4th Battalion Royal Artillery, seen here at the Battle of Monmouth.